Athens Youth Symphony | providing the finest orchestral and performance opportunities for students in Northeast Georgia |
Welcome to the Athens Youth Symphony
The Mission :
To provide the finest quality orchestral training
and performance opportunities for students
in the Northeast Georgia area.
The Athens Youth Symphony is comprised of high school
and middle school musicians from Athens/Clarke County
and the surrounding counties. All AYS concerts are free and
open to the public.
Fall and Spring Concerts are co-sponsored by the
University of Georgia Office of Performing Arts.

This program is supported in part by the Georgia Council for the Arts
through the appropriations from the Georgia General Assembly.
GCA is a Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts.
For more information about the Athens Youth Symphony
contact one of the following individuals:
For more info about:
auditions, music, general information
fees, financial aid, contributions
Scott Collins, President
[ Be a Youth Symphony Supporter ]
Donations to support the Athens Youth Symphony can be sent to:
Athens Youth Symphony, Inc.
P.O. Box 415
Athens, GA 30603-0415
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AYS and Philharmonia will not meet this fall while we make plans for the future. Please check here for updates.
AYS Financial Aid form
AYS Extended Payment request form
Philharmonia Financial Aid form
Philharmonia Extended Payment request form
Donate |
Be a Youth Symphony Supporter!
Donations to support the Athens Youth Symphony can be sent to:
Athens Youth Symphony, Inc.
P.O. Box 415
Athens, GA 30603-0415
Donations to the Athens youth Symphony are tax deductible under the Internal Revenue Code.
Robin Chasman
Scott & Beth Collins
Biao He & Yuan Lin
Helen London
The MFS Foundation Fund
Athens Family Vision Clinic
Kay Millar
Ben & Shannon Van Landuyt
Mike Harrison
Karl & Debbie Schab
J. Scott & Elizabeth Shaw
Terry & Kathy Estes
Alumni Corner |
Coming Soon! |